Thursday, June 20, 2019

Let's Get Things Started

At the highest level, I would consider my life pretty ordinary for the times.  Married.  Dual-income.  A house.  Three kids (6y, 3y & 7mo).  School.  Daycare.  All pretty normal stuff. Granted in between all the day-to-day, I do manage to cram in a lot of, what I consider, fun stuff.  Eating ice-cream. Swimming with the family.  DIY projects.  Riding my bike.

There are two things I am constantly telling myself.

First, slow down and enjoy the small things.  Don't complain about the first humid day in spring, embrace it after the dryness of winter (at least in PA).  See those flowers over there, go smell them.  Literally go smell them.  Don't drink your coffee/espresso/tea in your car, sit at the cafe and savor it.

Second, add a little adventure to your life.  My adventure doesn't have to be your adventure and visa-versa.  Simply find something that pushes you out of your comfort zone a little.  That's adventure.  You don't need to do it daily, but sprinkle some on throughout the year.  For me, traveling to a foreign country, barely knowing the language is a great adventure.  I haven't done it as much recently (see 3 kids above), but its just a short pause.  In the meantime other adventures await.

As most of you know my current adventure, The Lobster Roll, starts tomorrow.

1 Team
5 Riders
6 Days
7 Cities
600+ Miles
$50,000 Goal

In between riding, eating and sleeping, I'll do my best to post daily updates.  Embrace your inner crazy and add a little adventure.  I can't wait to do both starting tomorrow, but tonight I'll enjoy our send off party at Workhorse BrewingJoin me if you can!

Wish me luck!

Learn more about the team
Learn more about the ride

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