Pedestrian bridge over the Merrimack River in Hooksett, NH
Distance: 109 mi
Elevation Gain: 6,734ft
Start Time: 6:10a
Finish Time: 1:12p
Moving Time: 5h 08m
Pace: 18.7 mph
Today was such a fun day.
With rain in the forecast we set out earlier than normal. If given the choice, I'd always choose early start with early finish over late start with late finish so the early start was a nice treat. Our plan was to keep the non-ride time as minimal as possible for the chance of either missing the rain entirely, or at least missing the worst of it.
Our right today started off in a north-westernly directly before turning back to the northeast and crossing the Merrimack River between Concorde and Manchester. The ride was say 'spirited' at times as the team was feeling good and with the end in site, people were willing to push a bit harder.
The crossing at Hooksett was our first stop of the day at about mile 34. We had a huge welcome party here as JB's whole family (wife Liz plus 4 boys) was all there along with Liz's parents and aunt & uncle. Like I mentioned before, it's always a boost of energy to see familiar faces.
After setting out from the stop, we were working toward our lunch stop at a nondescript diner-ish place in Gonic, NH. Rolling in at 10:30a it was nice to have breakfast as an option as it's my favorite meal of the day. After finishing a wonderful meal of french toast, oatmeal and scrambled eggs, we re-grouped outside as a light mist began and decided we were going to push on straight to the end. We collectively donned a variety of rain gear ranging from jackets and vests to Velotoze shoe covers and clipped-in bound for Biddeford, ME.
As the weather progressed from a mist to a light rain we meandered our way through the forests of New Hampshire and then into Maine. The team was operating like a well-oiled machine. Given the motivation to not get soaked in combination with a parcours that was net-downhill with no major climbs, we made great time to close out the day averaging over 22mph for the last 40. The last stretch was just so much fun. A team motivated by ominous weather, synchronously working together and just rippin' it. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun on a bike.
It's hard to believe we have just one more day left. It's flown by. Thank you all for reading and for the support.
As usual, pictures and commentary below.
Until tomorrow,
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Sun peaking through a few miles in
Rolling past a cemetery in Bedford, NH
Sun peaking through a few miles in
Rolling past a cemetery in Bedford, NH
Our stop in Hooksett. It wasn't open the but owner was there and let us use the bathroom
See, not as pretty against clouds
Mount Saint Mary College, Hooksett, NH
Mountains on the horizon
Chelsey Memorial Library - Northwood, NH
I'm enjoying following your trip. I assume you aren't gaining net 6,000 ft elevation every day. Rolling hills?